I have lived on this earth for close to sixty years and have been an avid student of history. I am very aware that all of us have faced significant challenges to one degree or another. Some of us have faced financial challenges, health challenges (it’s been 2 years since my heart attack & quad bypass surgery and I am better than ever), spiritual challenges and relational challenges. One of the questions I always ask myself is, “will I let this challenge make me bitter or better?” I have chosen to learn & grow when I face challenges in my life. Too often I see people quit in the middle of the challenge rather than taking another step forward and persevering through it. It’s important to remember that quitting can be as much of a habit as perseverance is a habit. We need to strengthen the perseverance muscle and not give in to the easy way out of quitting.
I was recently listening to a podcast by Ed Mylett, and he asked a great question, “Who do I want to become in the next 20 years?” There are four options he presents:
We can’t change the past but we can make a new future by making better decisions and taking different actions towards a better future – choose to be the Hero in your life story!